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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • 20th December 2022

    Tue 20 Dec 2022 Jacquie Vanstone

    Dear Parents,


    It has been such a long term (14 weeks!) and we have certainly felt that in the last couple of weeks with illness and tiredness creeping in.  This Christmas period has provided us with wonderful opportunities to celebrate our children.  We have celebrated their acting, dancing and singing along with their creativity and leadership skills.

    The choir sang beautifully in our Carol Service yesterday and today we enjoyed some Christmas songs in our assembly.

    Thank you for all the cards and gifts the staff and I have received.  We appreciate your support, kindness and gratitude, it means a great deal.  I feel proud to lead our school with such talented, caring and hard working staff and I wish them all a well deserved rest and special time with their families.  This week we are sadly saying goodbye to Tettianna Drabchuk both as lunchtime controller and working for NSsport and Jo Street as lunchtime controller.  We wish them happiness for the future and again thank them for all they have done for our children.  We are currently advertising for these roles so please be in touch if you know someone who may be interested.


    I look forward to returning in the Spring term to see the continued drive for progress and achievement as well as all the incredible enrichment which makes every term fly by.  I will email a video link this afternoon which I hope you enjoy.


    I wish you a very happy Christmas.


    Jacquie Vanstone

  • 16th December 2022

    Fri 16 Dec 2022 Jacquie Vanstone

    Dear Parents and Guardians,


    What a week we have had!  It has been such a wonderful celebratory week for our children.  I hope you enjoyed the performances.  It takes courage to stand up on a stage, especially for our little ones.  The perccusion performed with such focus, it is lovely to watch and hear them play.  They all worked with commitment and it is great to see their confidence building over the three performances.  Thank you to all those you donated money to Crisis at Christmas and to the school.  


    On Tuesday we had a special day planned with reindeer visiting our school.  Unfortunately this couldn't go ahead due to the weather and the heavy snow fall in Gloucestershire.  We still had a very special assembly and during the day the children were given their reindeer badges for the tree.  They are all individually made and in our assembly we celebrated how unique we all are and how unique the reindeer badges are.  Thank you Mrs Metcalfe and everyone who helped towards this very special badge.


    The fortnight has been filled with creativity.  We have lanterns dotted around everywhere in preparation for our Carol service. Goldfinch have been proudly walking around in their DT bootliners whilst Chaffinch designed and made some delicious looking sandwiches.  The DT puppets in Rosefinch and Bullfinch look wonderful and it is lovely to see them so proud.


    On Thursday Chaffinch parents were invited for a Roman Learning Event.  It was great to see how confident the children were, how deep their learning is and how passionately they were able to share it.  I loved the song too.  Well done Chaffinch for showcasing such wonderful school and home learning.


    This week we have spoken to the children about safety around water/ice with the weather being so cold.  This has been done sensitively and carefully.  It is so important that our children have a clear understanding of the risks.  I encourage you to have conversations at home with your children if you have not already. 


    On Monday we will be walking the children up to church in the afternoon for a 2.15pm Carol service.  Please collect from church unless the children are booked into NSsport, in which case we will walk them back to school.  If possible please could your child bring their lunch in a disposable bag and bring in as little as possible.  Each child will be walking up with a lantern (battery candle!) which would be easier without bags to carry as well. Parents can join us for the service. As there will be no PE, please can all children wear school uniform on Monday. 


    I would like to finish my news update with the incredible news of our Christmas fair total.  FOFSA have raised an amazing £5002.53.  The committee are so grateful for the support shown and we can't thank them and you enough. More information about how the money will be used will follow in the new year, we have exciting plans! 


    I wish you a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week.

    With kind regards 

    Jacquie Vanstone 



  • 2nd December 2022

    Fri 02 Dec 2022 Jacquie Vanstone

    Good afternoon,


    December is already upon us and school is certainly feeling very Christmasy.  

    It has been a busy week and it has been lovely to spend so much time with the children.


    On Wednesday we enjoyed our Advent service at St James' church.  The service was very special and a perfect way to begin our preparation for Christmas.  The choir, joined by the rest of the school, led our singing beautifully. Thank you Mrs Gan.  

    The walk back from church was muddy but it was great to chat to the children and I even learnt a new joke from Leo!


    At the end of the afternoon, the whole school joined together on the field to run with Freddy as he completed his 100km in November for charity.  It was great to hear the whole school cheering him on as well as his friends, family and Mr O'Reilly running alongside him.  Well done Freddy.


    Today the girls have a football match at home against Willow bank.  The girls worked incredibly hard and should be proud of the 1-1 score, another goal from Rose and still unbeaten in the league.


    The Christmas post box has been brought out ready for the children to post Christmas cards to each other if they would like to from Monday. I know our Prefects will enjoy the job of distributing them.


    I look forward to seeing lots of you along with past pupils and their families at our Christmas fair tomorrow 3-6pm.  The auction is already doing so well so it will be great to have our first 'in school' fair since 2019.  The FOFSA committee have and are working so hard and I can't thank them enough for all they do for our school.


    Next week we will send home the Christmas play tickets in envelopes.  On Friday when we have the Christmas lunch the children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper or Christmasy coloured jumper instead of their school jumper or cardigan if they wish.


    I wish you a lovely weekend and hope to see you tomorrow.

    With kind regards

    Jacquie Vanstone
