20th December 2022
Dear Parents,
It has been such a long term (14 weeks!) and we have certainly felt that in the last couple of weeks with illness and tiredness creeping in. This Christmas period has provided us with wonderful opportunities to celebrate our children. We have celebrated their acting, dancing and singing along with their creativity and leadership skills.
The choir sang beautifully in our Carol Service yesterday and today we enjoyed some Christmas songs in our assembly.
Thank you for all the cards and gifts the staff and I have received. We appreciate your support, kindness and gratitude, it means a great deal. I feel proud to lead our school with such talented, caring and hard working staff and I wish them all a well deserved rest and special time with their families. This week we are sadly saying goodbye to Tettianna Drabchuk both as lunchtime controller and working for NSsport and Jo Street as lunchtime controller. We wish them happiness for the future and again thank them for all they have done for our children. We are currently advertising for these roles so please be in touch if you know someone who may be interested.
I look forward to returning in the Spring term to see the continued drive for progress and achievement as well as all the incredible enrichment which makes every term fly by. I will email a video link this afternoon which I hope you enjoy.
I wish you a very happy Christmas.
Jacquie Vanstone