School Logo

Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

Ethos and Values



'This is the day that the Lord has made,

let us rejoice and be glad in it.' Psalm 118


Our vision is for our pupils and staff to feel cared for unconditionally and valued as a unique creation in our learning, play and rest. We want to help them to approach each day now and in the future with gratitude and high aspirations.  We encourage them to reflect and pray.


Our school ethos is based on our 6 values:

Thankfulness, hope, friendship, forgiveness, honesty and compassion.


Through Collective Worship, symbols around the school and classroom practice we help them to learn about the loving God who made them and Jesus whose example they can follow.  We have regular church services, based on Anglican liturgy and the children use parts of that liturgy week by week in school.


The church building is a resource both historically and as a place to experience church practice and spirituality. The Rector is a familiar and supportive visitor to the school and a lay member of the church takes a weekly whole-school assembly. 


Our vision and values lead us positively in our wellbeing, learning and behaviour.  Bible stories help us to understand their importance in our lives.


The School Prayer


Dear Lord,                                                                               

Bless our school,

That working together and playing together,

We may learn to serve you and to serve one another

In Jesus' name


Our Aims


Finchampstead Primary School is a partnership of pupils, staff, parents and governors. We believe that it is very important that parents become fully involved in such a partnership. For all our children the school aims:


To provide an education based on Christian principles and develop spiritual awareness and growth in the individual child

To encourage each child to develop a positive and caring attitude towards others, with particular regard to tolerance, respect, honesty, sincerity and personal development

To pursue excellence in all aspects of the curriculum and to provide an all round education for each child suited to his or her age and ability

To develop lively and enquiring minds and equip children with the knowledge and practical skills to promote life-long learning
