Roman Britain : We based our non-chronological report writing on our history topic of Romans in Britain. After following a model text and learning about all the features we researched facts then wrote our own non-chronological report. As you can see our focus was incredible. Everyone felt very proud of what they have achieved to display at our family learning event.
Our year 1 and 2 authors in Bullfinch shared their stories with Goldfinch class. It was an excellent opportunity for them to read back through their writing and for the older children to start to help them edit and improve!
Writing with a clear purpose: Remembrance Tribute

Role play, drama and performance - fully immersing ourselves in the story of The Three Little Pigs. From great storytellers come great writers.
Our new library space is helping us all develop our love of reading. It's a great place to relax either with friends, or alone, and enjoy a good book.
Sky arts week saw writing with a purpose to connect with our world and the people around us.

Author visit: Year R to Year 4 enjoyed a fun packed, inspirational visit from the author and illustrator Simon Murray today. You can see his work at They had great fun drawing characters, looking at story inspiration and thinking about the who, what, why, when, where answers that sit behind character development. (Y5/6 have a writing workshop planned for later in the summer term)✏️🤩😍✏️
Library Time: it's important that we grow our love of reading by helping children choose books they can really engage with. Library Time is aimed at helping children develop this skill and each class has time choosing books from our school and class libraries.
Year 2 have been working hard on their Non Chronological Report writing skills and have produced these great reports linked to their topic of space. March 2024.
World Book Day celebration
Year 3 and 4 have used their imagination to write a Report about Dragons. Can you see all the features of reports in their writing: heading, sub-heading, bulletpoints, captions, technical vocabulary and a formal tone?
We are excited to learn more about play scripts ahead of our Christmas performance. Today we wrote our own plays which was a first for most of the class.
Oct 23: writing with a clear purpose about our visit to the River Pang,to show our Governors how valuable this type of learning is.
June 2023: the year 4 librarians enjoyed hosting a family open library and worked so hard. Well done team 📚🔖📖
May 2023: working outside encourages our language development and imagination. We were imagining ourselves to be as tiny as a Minpin and writing a descriptive paragraph.
Speaking and listening skills are so important but don't always come easily. We use creative and encouraging stimuli to give opportunity to all. These photos show a recent outdoor class based on building language and communication skills.

We celebrated World Book Day this March by making a book in box of our favourite story book. This tableau was a creative way to show the wide variety of books we love.
LKS2 participated in the Eagle House spelling challenge and made us all proud coming 9/32 teams. More importantly, they really enjoyed the competitive experience and had fun puzzling over words and phrases!
Bullfinch worked so hard on their beautiful poems inspired by Kit Wright. They loved sharing them with Chaffinch and our lovely year 3 and 4 provided some valuable peer assessment.

World Book Day 2022 was brilliant fun. We explored books and storytelling through art, pe, quizzes and acting. What a day! 😍

We are explorers! We used tablets and dictionaries to explore ambitious vocabulary to use as weapons against boredom!
Our KS2 bookclub like to hang out together, eat biscuits and talk about books! Their current book is The Butterfly Lion by Michael Moporgo

Real writing opportunities - a field trip around our local area for persuasive writing and for recounts.

Celebrating great writing by sharing our work between classes.

Oracy at work
Collaboration and discussion increases our vocabulary and understanding. It also gives us new perspectives and ideas. We don't just use language to interact, we use it to 'interthink' too. That is, we share thoughts aloud and so influence others whilst their words influence us, so a new shared understanding can be created in the process.

Chaffinch Class have been using our outdoor area to inspire our writing at the end of a unit on descriptive story settings. We each imagined we were one of Roald Dahl's Minpins, with a head no bigger than the size of a pea. Then we placed a piece of string in the garden to show the path we must travel as a tiny person. After collecting our ideas in the garden, we all wrote a superb descriptive paragraph using adjectives, adverbs, simile, personification and prepositions. We were so proud to read our work out to each other!
Planning our Journey as a Minpin

Examples of the end result.