Our school vision
"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118
Our curriculum vision for English
Our Intent
At Finchampstead Primary School, we promote high standards of language and literacy and help children develop a lifelong love of English through open discussion, widespread reading and writing for enjoyment.
We believe that reading is at the centre of learning. From early years through to Year 6, we encourage our children to learn to love books through daily storytelling sessions and well planned and exciting book based activities. Reading is initially taught through the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme which teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly, and compose their ideas step-by-step. We also plan to bring reading to life and give it purpose via music, drama and performance. By reading and discussing a wide range of quality books, our children are able to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Reading also enables pupils to learn new things and make connections with what they already know, both across the curriculum and beyond. Children are also encouraged to read a range of books in school and at home, from both our structured reading scheme and access to an interesting and engaging children’s library. Regular communication between staff, parents and children is encouraged to develop independent and reflective readers
Written work is based on quality texts by well-known authors or written specifically for a clear learning intention. Children are introduced to the text in an exciting and creative way, then given time to immerse themselves in the text through a range of stimulating activities. Discussion and self-expression is key to all written work so children can communicate clearly their ideas and emotions to others. They then create their own written responses to the text in a variety of ways, adapting their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. The learning also reflects each child’s needs and challenge. We write with an audience in mind and often showcase the children’s work in ‘published’ books, displays or one to one with children from other classes. Children are also encouraged to read their work to others or to perform as a class. In this way we develop pride and excitement in the power of the written word and teach communication skills to build capable and confident writers who know that word choice and style of writing can bring about change.
Writing begins with mark making in our Foundation stage. We then develop the formation of numbers and letters through structured learning time and through play. We teach cursive handwriting (joined letters) once printed letters are secure, to encourage fluency and help to improve spelling. Good presentation skills are important and help children develop pride in their work. We also use ICT to present our work. We aim for our children to develop a clear, fluent written style they are proud to use.