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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail


Living in the mountains: today we heard more about how challenging life could be in Bhutan and Ethiopia mountainous areas. Our visitor had travelled extensively through Africa and Asia and talked to us about the various challenges of mountain life including altitude sickness, farming in difficult conditions and transporting goods and people through such difficult terrain. It was great to meet someone who had travelled to these far-off places and it inspired us to do the same.

Geography: Goldfiinch had a fantastic day out at The Living Rainforest. We learnt a lot about how plants and animals have adapted to the conditions of a tropical rainforest and even managed to catch a glimpse of their shy sloth!

Chaffinch met an Explorer and learned so much about life on the River Sepik in Papua New Guinea. It was a fascinating lesson.

Year 1 and 2 worked hard creating a key for a simple map.

Autumn 2022 - Goldfinch made a model of the Earth's layers and labelled them. We are starting to think about why volcanoes happen.

Autumn 2022 - Geography: Goldfinch used the materials they were given to build a structure that would be resistant to earthquakes. We have some great engineers in our class!

Autumn 2022: Goldfinch investigated how and why earthquakes happen, using polystyrene and coloured water to help them think about what would happen on the Earth's crust when different types of plate boundaries are formed.

Summer 2022: we finished our European topic with a European Fair. Each stall represented our chosen country and we celebrated all the positive similarities and differences. It was great to share our learning across the school and with our families.

Summer 2022: our Polish visitor really inspired us to visit Eastern Europe today with tales of mountains, lakes, famous landmarks and exciting wildlife. It was great to be able to listen to the children ask such reflective questions about the climate, seasons, location and history of the country.

We had an interesting lesson on physical and human geography features today; sorting some wonders of Europe into two lists. Now we all have great aspirations for future travel and discovering more about our wonderful world.

We had such an exciting lesson learning more about the features of rivers as we made our own playground river. We saw a tributary, confluence, delta, source, mouth, riverbed, rapids, transportation, erosion and even a dam with a flood plain!

Enjoying atlas work in Chaffinch 🌍 major rivers and their continents.

Field work - exploring land use categories

Chaffinch fieldwork exploring our local area. We were 'secret geographers' and had to locate, navigate to, and then report back on, a secret location to see if our classmates could identify it from our list of human and physical features and our grid reference.
