Chaffinch children took part in a pilgrimage today around our school grounds as part of the learning on special journeys. They wore a scallop shell and observed closely/ tried thinking about things in a new way. It was great to be part of their reflection on the experience.
After exploring different views on God, Goldfinch created pictures to share some of the ideas/values they have learnt about.
Year 6 were lucky enough to attend The Easter Experience at Wokingham Baptist Church. This was a series of interactive workshops detailing the events of Easter week with lots of thought provoking questions about decisions that Jesus made.
RE and sustainability. Goldfinch investigated the messages that Christianity, Islam and Hinduism share about sustainability before helping to create a sustainable outdoor area at school. We're looking forward to attracting more wildlife and eating out own veg!
March 2023 - Y6 enjoying the thought provoking Easter Experience at Wokingham Baptist Church.
Celebrating Ascension Day. May 2023
Questions for Mary. December 2022
Light as a symbol of hope. Remembering our Queen. September 2022
Bullfinch visited our Church to take time to reflect, share prayers we'd written and to give our thanks for Queen Elizabeth.

Can made up stories tell the truth? We have been learning about Jesus' parables and how the stories told can help people live their lives in a more fulfilling way. Our story today was 'The workers in the vineyard', from Matthew Chapter 20. We acted out the story and thought about the key message it contained.

Christmas: learning about angels. Love made visible
Ascension Day Celebrations KS2