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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • 29th June 2018

    Fri 29 Jun 2018 Jacquie Vanstone

    Dear Parents,


    This week started with Chaffinch experiencing a wonderful India Day. Mrs Dodds had organised wonderful activities for the children; they all looked fantastic and the smell in school was lovely. I have to say, and I know many of you agree, that  Mrs Dodds looked especially beautiful. It was great to have the support of Mrs Fatania.


    The children have coped well with the heat especially with so many of the children finding it difficult to sleep. We have planned carefully to keep them as cool and hydrated as possible and we will continue to work with care next week.


    We have ended this week with the cricket team losing by only 9 points to Beechwood Primary School which is frustratingly close but also  wonderful to see how much they have improved.


    Next week the reports will be given out at the end of the day on Thursday, any children going to Beehive will collect them when they pick up. It is important to note that there will be no Key Stage 2 SATS data enclosed in the report; it will be given out separately once it has been externally verified. It is possible that the Key Stage 1 and Year 1 Phonics assessments will be enclosed with the report but we await to receive information from Wokingham.


    Sports Day on Friday will start promptly at 1pm. We would be grateful of any gazebos to protect the children and scorers from the sun. We hope it will be a wonderful afternoon celebrating sport.  A sign up sheet for help is at the front of school.  Please can I take this opportunity to remind you that we need to safeguard the children and this is difficult for staff if Parents/Carers come over to see the children.  I would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.


    Monday 9th July is our Open Evening; I hope to see many of you. It is a great opportunity to share learning from this year and also to meet teachers and see classrooms for the year ahead. There will be a French Cafe in the hall and many of our Governors will be in school for the evening.


    For the last day of term we would welcome all the children to have a picnic lunch. There will still be an option to have a cooked lunch but I thought it would be a lovely way to finish the end of term.


    Thank you very much for your continued support.


    Kind regards

    Jacquie Vanstone

  • 22nd June 2018

    Fri 22 Jun 2018 Jacquie Vanstone

    Dear Parents,

    It was such a pleasure to see so many of you at the Village Fete last weekend; the atmosphere was wonderful. It is such a credit to our community that the Fete was so well attended and it was lovely to have the opportunity to chat to people connected to our school, church and village. A massive thank you to the Parks Committee, FOFSA, Governors, Staff and parents for supporting the event. With school budgets being so restricted events like this have an enormous impact. Thank you.

    We began the week with a whole school Maths morning. We had children mixed from Reception to Year 6 accessing Maths through the same context but at the correct level. This is wonderful to achieve and was very successful. I would like to thank Mrs Wirthfor leading this and all staff for putting together a great morning. I hope it has helped to enthuse even more children to enjoy Maths.

    On Wednesday Mr and Mrs Fox gave children and staff an assembly to remember! We were fortunate enough to welcome back Philippa Hanna to our school. She shared memories, experiences and words of encouragement along with many of her songs. Seeing the children singing along and listening to such a great Christian role model was a privilege that I will not forget.

    School Council have been working hard with Mrs Dodds on a campaign to reduce plastic waste. They led a great assembly on Wednesday afternoon which has, I hope, inspired us all to do our bit. The children spoke confidently with passion and should be proud of the impact they have.

    Taking 11 children to a cricket tournament at Wokingham Cricket Club was a great experience for them. We took at mix of Year 4, 5 and 6 children and they played especially well in the last game, Ollie Anders played particularly well and Connor Reed was focused and confident as the team captain.  We had another match today and the children bowled really well.  Thank you Mr O'Reilly for organising so many events/matches; it is great experience for the children.

    The teachers are working incredibly hard not only submitting data to Wokingham and writing children’s reports but also preparing for learning events, leavers shows, new starter visits, Sports day and much more. There is so much to look forward to. It was great to see the article in the Wokingham Paper about our school and community; it was a pleasure to put it together on behalf of the school.

    Finally, I would like to thank those who have already completed our Parent Survey. There is a link on the website just below this news update and it is also available through the Facebook page. We value your opinions and would be grateful of your time.

    Kind regards

    Jacquie Vanstone

  • Parent Survey

    Mon 18 Jun 2018 Jacquie Vanstone

    We would be grateful if you could complete this survey.  



    Kind regards

    Jacquie Vanstone

  • 15th June 2018

    Fri 15 Jun 2018 Jacquie Vanstone

    Dear Parents,

    The children have had such a busy week! It began with Chloe and Aimee leading our Collective Worship on Monday which the children were all engaged with and they enjoyed having other children taking the lead.

    On Tuesday Goldfinch had a wonderful day at the Natural History Museum which has inspired both learning and play. Mrs Wirth has complimented the children on their focus and questioning and I am pleased it was such a success. As we were visiting London, extra risk assessments were followed which included the children wearing a wrist band with the school details on. I would like to make you aware that Jake’s Play barn (Trilakes) provided us with 34 wrist bands which was both kind and supportive of them.

    Whilst Goldfinch were learning about dinosaurs, Chaffinch were experiencing a swimming survival session in their clothes. I was delighted to be able to go with them and see them having such fun whilst learning such valuable life skills. Thank you Jill Anders for your help this week with swimming.

    The momentum continued with many parents attending the Goldfinch Learning Event; the children loved sharing their learning and it was great to see lots of parents. I was busy carrying out the Phonics Screening with the Year 1 children in Rosefinch and Bullfinch. They have all worked very hard and seeing the progress the children have made was great. Again this year, support from parents has been invaluable. The children enjoyed the Phonics check and had no idea that it was any different to the normal work we do. Well done to all of them.

    We are all very much looking forward to the Village Fete; it will be a fantastic community event and I am sure I will see many of you there (Saturday 11-4pm).

    Kind regards

    Jacquie Vanstone

  • 8th June 2018

    Fri 08 Jun 2018 Jacquie Vanstone

    Dear Parents,


    I hope you all had a wonderful half term. There has been many opportunities to celebrate this week; I have given out a lot of Headteacher stickers and our Music Achievement Assembly was inspiring and impressive. Well done to those who took part.

    Chaffinch and Goldfinch children came in on Monday to their new tables and chairs; we are delighted with them and with how our classrooms look (I have included photos). I would like to thank the FOFSA committee as well as everyone who supports them. The FOFSA committee is working hard towards the Summer Fete and the children have enjoyed wearing MUFTI today; the items brought in make a great contribution to the Fete.

    The hard work of the gardening volunteers is greatly appreciated as we continue to develop the front of school. I would like to remind parents that children should not be running around the front of school for fear of an accident or damage to the staff cars.

    The Year One children will have their Phonics Screening Check next week; they have all worked hard towards it and they will not know that they are doing anything different to their normal phonics work with me.

    I have enjoyed several Year Two presentations this week; the preparation, organisation and presentation skills are wonderful to see. The piece of cake as part of Elyssa's James and the giant peach presentation was delicious!!!

    Today I had the pleasure in attending a Quadkids event with 10 Goldfinch children. This involves completing four athletic events including a 600m run; the children were all great and tried their best but we are yet to know how well they have done.

    Next week will be even busier with trips and learning events but  in the meantime I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Kind regards

    Jacquie Vanstone

