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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

8th June 2018

Dear Parents,


I hope you all had a wonderful half term. There has been many opportunities to celebrate this week; I have given out a lot of Headteacher stickers and our Music Achievement Assembly was inspiring and impressive. Well done to those who took part.

Chaffinch and Goldfinch children came in on Monday to their new tables and chairs; we are delighted with them and with how our classrooms look (I have included photos). I would like to thank the FOFSA committee as well as everyone who supports them. The FOFSA committee is working hard towards the Summer Fete and the children have enjoyed wearing MUFTI today; the items brought in make a great contribution to the Fete.

The hard work of the gardening volunteers is greatly appreciated as we continue to develop the front of school. I would like to remind parents that children should not be running around the front of school for fear of an accident or damage to the staff cars.

The Year One children will have their Phonics Screening Check next week; they have all worked hard towards it and they will not know that they are doing anything different to their normal phonics work with me.

I have enjoyed several Year Two presentations this week; the preparation, organisation and presentation skills are wonderful to see. The piece of cake as part of Elyssa's James and the giant peach presentation was delicious!!!

Today I had the pleasure in attending a Quadkids event with 10 Goldfinch children. This involves completing four athletic events including a 600m run; the children were all great and tried their best but we are yet to know how well they have done.

Next week will be even busier with trips and learning events but  in the meantime I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone

