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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

6th October 2023

Good afternoon,


I hope you are well.  


This week began with me having the opportunity to meet with our School Improvement Officer.  It was great to celebrate our Summer results from Early Years through to Year 6.  It is rewarding to see how the changes we have made in specific areas of the curriculum have already significantly impacted the progress of our pupils. The leadership of staff both in the classroom and in the curriculum areas in which they lead, ensures we are always looking ahead with a desire to improve and confidence in what we deliver.  This meeting was also an opportunity to reflect on our behaviour policy.  As staff and governors, we are proud of how we manage and support behaviour in school and our strong vision and values lead us.


We were very lucky with the weather on Tuesday to be able to attend our Harvest service at church.  The readers were confident, the quality of singing made Mrs Gan very happy and the donations will make such a difference to families needing the Crowthorne foodbank.  Thank you for your support.


On Tuesday afternoon, we held our first Prospective parent meeting for Reception 24.  It was wonderful to hear the feedback from the tours of how inviting and exciting our school is.  The children who led tours, did a fantastic job at representing our school.


Next week we begin with Chaffinch going on a River trip which I know they are very excited about.  I have enjoyed seeing snippets of Geography and PE lessons which have demonstrated their enjoyment in the Rivers topic as well as fantastic understanding and use of technical vocabulary.


On Tuesday next week, the children are asked to come in yellow clothes or in uniform with yellow accessories, either is equally supportive of the mental health messages focused upon on this day.  The day is Hello Yellow which celebrates us supporting our children with their mental health.  There will be a focus on this in classrooms with some extra exciting things through the day.  Rosefinch and Bullfinch will still have PE so if they are in yellow non uniform, please make sure it is appropriate and safe for PE.


I would like to make a change to drop off and pick up from NSsport clubs.  For Breakfast club and Care club, please use the pedestrian gate to access the white door and for parents and children to leave along that path as well. 

For sports clubs, please enter through the carpark to wait for your child and once they are dismissed, please walk along the pedestrian path to exit the school site.  To ensure there is no vehicle movement whilst parents wait, we will close one of the car park gates.  We have changed this to ensure it is as practical and safe as possible and we will review it at half term.  Thank you for your support.


I have thoroughly enjoyed time in all four classrooms this week.  Throughout the school the children are working with determination and focus.  I look forward to seeing parents next week both at Learning Reviews on Tuesday and Thursday and at the FOFSA AGM on Monday evening.   So much of the learning, enrichment and school environment is strengthened by the contribution FOFSA make. Please support us at our AGM, it would be great to see lots of parents there 8pm-9pm in school.  


Finally, a huge well done to the boys who played football tonight.  It was a hard match against a good team.  Thank you Mr O'Reilly.


I wish you a lovely weekend

With kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone
