26th March 2021
Dear Parents
Another week has flown by and I can't believe how close we are to Easter. On Thursday we break up at 2pm and I will be leading a distanced assembly with each class on the last day. We are not singing inside but we will enjoy some of our Easter classics on the playground, with distance.
Managing all the safety measures is a challenge everyday but we are fully committed to all we are doing to keep our school community safe. Today, updated guidance has been published which I will go through in detail before presenting any amendments to our procedures to our governors. When I was emailed the guidance, I went straight to the section on residential trips; I am delighted that if all government steps continue as planned then residential trips can take place from 17th May. This will hopefully, all being well, mean that our Year 6 will get to experience PGL. PGL have phoned us today to confirm this.
Another step forward in the current situation is that we are going to be offering hot lunches after Easter. I am still working out all the logistics but we will manage it safely and we are pleased to do so.
Please be aware that Mrs Lawrence will not be in the office on Monday and Tuesday but can be contacted by email. We will continue to answer the phones as much as we can but please leave a message if you do not get through.
Last week I directed you to our Relationships and sex education policy which is on our website and states that we are currently consulting on the policy. Please contact me with any thoughts, opinions or concerns regarding the policy before the end of term.
It has been great to see Beehive a little busier this week. Beehive are committed to our school and we are very lucky but they do need support now. If you want to book, please go on their website. Likewise, NSsport will be running the Easter holiday club at school and you can book days via their website.
I wish you all a lovely weekend. Once again, I thank you all for your support and I thank our wonderful staff for their exceptional hard work.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone