21st April 2023
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It has been great to welcome the children back and there was certainly a lot of excitement over the work on the new ballcourts and trim trail. I have added some photos to show you the point they have reached as of today. We also have a new sign at the front which we are pleased with. The church picture is a photo of one of Mrs Shepherd's paintings to represent our vision - making the most of every new day.
Monday was offer day for Reception 23 children and I am delighted that we offered all places out and have a waiting list. This is wonderful news and I look forward to meeting our new families over the next term.
This week, we have restarted the run, although the weather has not been what we had hoped for. It is a wonderful thing to do for both our mental and physical health and I hope to join the children next week.
We have been delighted this week to welcome Mrs Evans to our staff team as our new SEND lead. I have fulfilled the role for some time and I will now carry out a thorough and gradual handover to Mrs Evans. We would like to arrange meetings during the summer term for children on our SEND register. I will not be handing over the SEND responsibility for Year 6 children. This will ensure continuity over their final term and for transition to Secondary school. We are now at the stage of arranging interviews for the Chaffinch LSA. We are delighted to have Mrs Baker and Mrs Martinez fullfilling the role at the moment. We are very grateful.
Next week, I will be sending home attendance information to parents who have children who are persistently absent with attendance at or below 90%. Mrs Dodds as our Wellbeing and Aspiration lead will be working with Mrs Paterson (Mental health lead) and myself to support families to show the progress we need for attendance. Everyday is important socially and academically and we are keen to work together with high aspiration. An Information guide regarding attendance along with a new way to report absence will be emailed home next week to all parents.
We have finished the week with a great achievement. Our Year 5/6 football team reached the final in a tournament in Reading and lost in the final 1-0 to Keep Hatch. I am so proud of what they have achieved against much bigger schools. Thank you Mr O'Reilly for organising it and coaching the boys.
Thursday next week is a strike day. I currently expect us to remain open to all.
I wish you a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone