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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

1st July 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,


We have started the month with a fabulous celebration of sport.  It was a great afternoon and I hope you all enjoyed it.  The organisation from Mr O'Reilly was brilliant; it was so impressive that even our 4 and 5 year old children knew exactly what they were doing, even with a relay race!

We have never had so many spectators and so many parents in the parent races.  The children had a great time, were kind and encouraging and also worked their hardest. Sport is such a strength within our school and having our school community to celebrate it together was very special, especially after the last two years.

I must also congratulate the Red team for their win, with the Yellows just 6 points behind.


Our governors were in school on Tuesday and enjoyed the first hour of the day in classrooms.  Their feedback was fantastic in relation to behaviour, attitudes to learning, the use of technology and the skills of our staff.  The staff should feel proud of the comments and I will share some key quotes at our Open Evening on the 12th July.


Swimming on Tuesday provided a great experience of survival wearing their clothes. Hopefully a skill they will not require but one that is so valuable to have.


With less than three weeks left, we still have lots to fit in.  Reports will be emailed out to you next week.  We have our School Improvement Officer in school on Tuesday morning supporting us with subject leadership.  On Thursday we are having a tea party for our current Reception children along with our new starters and Reception parents are welcome to join us for it.  An invitation from the children will be with you next week but it will take place on the playground between 2pm and 3.15pm.


I wish you all a lovely weekend and thank you once again for your support this afternoon.

With kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone

