18th May 2018
Dear Parents,
We began this week with our Year 6 children commencing their SATs. We are very proud of how calm and smiley they were. They were focused and determined to do their best. I would like to thank all staff for their support in ensuring the week ran smoothly and it has been great to have Mrs Coulson in working with the Year 5 children. As a treat the Year 6 children had an ice cream on Thursday and I would like to thank Adele Baker for providing freezer space and then delivery of the ice creams.
We had a wonderful day today celebrating the Royal Wedding. The food provided was wonderful and the children had a great time. According to Jude in Year 2, "the best day of school ever!" The children were in their colour groups which mixes them up across all year groups and all the activities were based around our values of Hope, Honesty, Friendship and Thankfulness.
I think the photos say it all and I uploaded all of them, enjoy.
Wishing you a lovely weekend
Jacquie Vanstone