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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

18th January 2019

Dear Parents,


Another week has flown by and it has been great to celebrate all of the things that have taken place.

On Tuesday Goldfinch visited Winchester Science Museum; they had a great day and the children have enjoyed talking about it back in school.  We had parent and governor support for the trip and I thank them for their time.  Mrs Wirth has lots of plans to use the experience in their learning which I look forward to seeing.  Goldfinch also had a visit from a lady called Sandra Pullen, this was linked to their topic and the children were asking some great questions.


On Tuesday evening the governors had a meeting.  One of the discussion points was interventions and the value of staff having 1:1 time with the children to address misconceptions on the same day.  This enables us to consolidate learning and move the learning on during the next lesson.  This approach has proved very positive for Goldfinch and we are now going to roll it out throughout the school.  


From this week I am also taking three English books from each class, each week to reflect on the handwriting and presentation and hopefully to celebrate it.  This we hope this will encourage the children to have consistent high expectations of themselves and their learning.


On Thursday Kelly from the NSPCC visited the school to lead an assembly for both Keystage 1 and Keystage 2.  Goldfinch then had a workshop.  The key message within the sessions was to always ask a trusted adult to help if you have worries and to not give up asking different people until you recieve the help you need; this is valuable life lesson for our children and I hope it is one they remember and follow.


Today started with Collective Worship followed by a beautiful frosty run.  As you will see, today we have sent home information regarding adverse weather;  I have always enjoyed snow but decision making as a Headteacher makes the prospect much less appealing!  Please keep the letter sent out tonight for future reference.


I wish you all a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone
