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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

17th June 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,


I hope you are well and have been able to enjoy the sunny weather this week.  It has been wonderful to spend time on the field, on the playground and in the Chaffinch garden this week, I feel so fortunate to have our beautiful outdoor spaces.


Last week we had Year 6 moderation of writing and this week our Key Stage One team worked with a team of moderators to check our Year 2 data for Reading, Writing and Maths assessments.  The moderation did create extra work for the Bullfinch team but the comments made by the moderators should make them feel proud.  They (including Mrs Guillaume) were described as a strong team who know the children incredibly well.  


On Wednesday this week we welcomed Sophie from Nirvana to take photos showing the life of our school.  I have to say that so many children loved to pose!  We enjoyed Sophie being with us and I now have a huge number of wonderful photos to use.  You will begin to see some on our website but I will also share lots of them at the Open Evening in July.  Mrs Dodds' daughter has also created us a wonderful leaflet.  We are so fortunate to have such talented support around us.


I have seen such active, outside learning this week which has been wonderful. Showing a family around today, a Chaffinch child spoke so passionately about their learning, their enthusiasm was infectious!   I have also been pleased to see photos from ECO club which looked like great fun with so much learning taking place.  Sam Khan led the session with Mrs Dodds and I know the girls loved it.


On Thursday, Mrs Gan and Mrs Coulson had a WASMA celebration which was loud (beautiful singing but loud!!)  Well done to all the WASMA children who performed so well at the Hexagon on Sunday. I felt incredibly proud and I loved watching the focus and commitment of every child.  A huge thank you to Mrs Gan and Mrs Coulson and everyone else who supported.


We ended the week with a football tournament at Luckley House School with our Year 4 and 5 girls.  They played so well and won their last two matches with such determination.  Aizey was our chosen player of the tournament (incredible commitment shown) but all the girls played well and worked well together, with lots of goals scored.


Last weekend we celebrated our musical talent with WASMA and this weekend we have our Summer fair.  The FOFSA committee have worked so hard and I hope to see lots of you tomorrow between 11-3pm on the field.  I am sure we will raise a lots of money which will make such a positive impact on our children.  I look forward to seeing you there!


With kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone

