Sunday 15th March 2020
Dear Parents & Guardians,
In my news update on Friday I said I would update you at the weekend. Although I am sure you are aware of the developments in the news and on social media, there are no changes at present for the arrangements for schools.
I will continue to follow Government guidelines. If we believe a child to be at school but unwell, we will contact you and send them home. Some children have been kept off school last week due to colds and as you make these decisions I ask you to continue to be respectful of the current situation, each other and the more vulnerable members of our school community.
The revised government bulletin issued on Thursday stated: The symptoms are:
A high temperature (37.8 degrees and above)
A new, continuous cough. You do not need to call NHS 111 to stay at home
If your symptoms worsen during your stay at home period or are no better after 7 days contact NHS 111 online at If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111. For a medical emergency dial 999.
In the event that your child is unwell in line with this guidance but would otherwise been have been in school, I will contact you regarding ways in which we can support.
The moment I am notified of any significant change I be in contact but in the meantime I thank you for your considered approach and continued support.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone