English letter from Mrs Dodds
Dear Parents and Guardians
With your fantastic support, and funding from FOFSA, we are delighted to be launching our new reading challenge for children in Key Stage 2 and children who have completed the phonics program in Key Stage 1. Children have previously been able to become ‘free readers’ and select their own books from the school library once they have completed the coloured band scheme (from pink to lime). However, looking at reading progress in KS2 has shown that although this method works well for some children, others can find being a ‘free reader’ a bit daunting. Sometimes they make unhelpful decisions about books, choosing titles that are either too easy or too difficult or becoming fixed on one author or genre of book. This limits their progress and enjoyment in reading.
Under the new reading challenge, children will still have the freedom to choose their own books, within their colour band, but their choices will be more appropriate and informed. This should ensure a broader type of text is chosen with the appropriate level of challenge and enjoyment. The scheme will include both fiction and non-fiction text.
After the half term break, your child will be able to select a colour banded book
to take home, alongside their reading record. Children should bring their book and reading journal into school every day. Class teachers will check reading journals/ records weekly and will monitor how many books are being read across the class. It is hoped that children/parents will record at least four times a week in their reading record.
Research shows that reading is the single most important thing you can do to help your child's education! We are looking forward to working in partnership with you, to help every child step into the amazing world of books. We want our learners to enjoy reading and to be empowered by it.
Thank you for your continued support and for making this new programme possible.
Sarah Dodds
English Leader