Wednesday 26th February 2020
Dear Parents, Carers
I am writing in regards to the Coronavirus which I understand is a concern to us all. As an education establishment we are receiving regular guidance and information. We are working hard, encouraging the children to wash their hands well and to follow good hygiene routines.
It is vital that parents communicate effectively with school if you have any concerns. There is different guidance to follow if you are in contact with someone who has travelled from abroad depending on the location. If you have travel arrangements in any of the categorised areas, please contact school.
I will of course update you as I see necessary and I thank you for your support. I have displayed an advice poster in the lobby which you may find helpful. We do have a vulnerable pupil within our school community so please communicate with school if there is any information you feel we need to be aware of to keep our children safe and well.
Kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone
Head teacher