9th March 2018
Dear Parents,
It has been lovely to hear the children talking of the fun they had in the snow. This week has been a busy week trying to catch up!
The week started with 8 Chaffinch children visiting Warren Lodge care home on Monday. The children were delighted with the experience as were the residents. We were incredibly proud of how the children behaved and interacted and I know the next group of 8 will be excited on Monday.
I would like to acknowledge the huge amount of time and effort Mrs Gan and Mrs Coulson are dedicating to the WASMA rehearsals (the snow has not helped!). We are incredibly fortunate to have them and the impact they both have on our school is wonderful. Thank you also to the children; I know they are working very hard and are being a delight to work with.
The children enjoyed the learning and book swaps on Thursday; it was lovely to see so many of the children reading in the playground. Mrs Dodds has prepared an English update sheet which will go home on Monday to celebrate our English learning.
This week is finishing with some interhouse football matches for Goldfinch, a hot chocolate and medal for the girls who came 4th in the football tournament last Wednesday and then the disco after school. I think they will be ready for their weekend!
Kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone