9th June 2023
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you all enjoyed your half term. It has been wonderful to come back to such beautiful sunshine.
I spent some time with Chaffinch on Wednesday afternoon on the field as Mrs Dodds led a contemplative walk. The children were so thoughtful in their reflection and I was pleased to be with them.
Today I had the privilege of taking 10 Goldfinch children to an athletics tournament. They competed with such determination and commitment, it was wonderful to see. The highlight for me was how caring, supportive and encouraging they were of each other. All of them living out our school vision perfectly.
Next week we have our Colour run planned for Tuesday - please see the email I sent out on Wednesday for full information. We thank you for your support and look forward to a memorable afternoon whilst we raise money for a great charity.
Goldfinch also have their Windsor trip to Dr Choc on Friday to look forward to. This is linked to their work around fair trade. Thank you, Mrs Pasha, I think it is a trip we would all like to go on!
After school it is the Goldfinch netball V parents and the sign-up link is here:
I wish you a wonderful weekend, take care in the sunshine and please remember sun protection for the children next week as the heat continues.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone