8th November 2019
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a great half term especially our Year 6 PGL children who must have needed the rest. The photos from PGL look fantastic and the feedback from the children is all positive! When I was on the playground on Monday there was a group sharing their PGL chants! Thank you Mrs Anders, Mrs Wirth and Mrs Stangroom.
We have been so busy, it feels strange that this is only the first week back since half term!
Rosefinch and Bullfinch were full excitement with their Guy Fawkes learning. They enjoyed making chocolate apples, rockets and much more. The bonfire on the playground is something I am sure the children will remember and enables their history learning to come to life. Thank you to all the staff.
Mrs Wirth led our Achievement assembly on Wednesday and was pleased to present our Prefects and School Council representatives with their badges. She also gave the sports leaders a whistle each which they enjoying testing at playtime!!
Mrs Dodds, Mrs Gan and I spent Thursday morning reorganising our reading scheme. There were many books out of date and thanks to FOFSA we will be purchasing new books for the scheme this year. We have organised the books so that the children can select a book from the correct range; we will supervise and help but it should provide the children with the independence to choose a book that appeals to them.
I am delighted to have now ordered the furniture for the conservatory which arrives on Monday; I know the children and staff are as keen as I am to begin using the room.
Finally I wanted to share with you updated information regarding the front of school. On 18th November work should start on the front fencing. The company and I will ensure there is safe access at drop off and pick up. It will be fantastic to get this work completed. The following week Legal and General will be laying turf for us which is incredibly generous. I thank you for your support whilst we complete the front of school to a satisfactory standard; it has taken time and patience! I would like to remind all parents that the zig zag lines in front of school are not to be used as a drop off point. There should be no stopping on the lines even if you remain in the car with the engine on.
FOFSA have had a meeting this week and tonight you have raffle tickets and a jarbola letter. I thank you for your support and the FOFSA committee for their time and dedication in this busy run up to the Christmas fair.
Next week we will be having a remembrance assembly with the children. I have created a new page on the website under Information which shares photos and videos used in our Collective Worship; your child might enjoy talking to you about them.
We look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday at the Finchampstead Remembrance parade; details are on the school calendar.
Wishing you a lovely weekend
Jacquie Vanstone