7th January 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I will keep my newsletter short this week as I am aware I have been sending a few emails. I hope you feel up to date with guidance and the systems within school. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
We do have some families impacted by Covid over Christmas who are yet to return. I want to reiterate that under the current guidance if someone within the household tests positive, other household pupils should attend school but should test daily for 7 days (in the morning ideally). As a school, we have been so grateful for the care and consideration you have shown throughout and it feels strange as we adjust to new guidance. We continue to work incredibly hard to keep everyone safe.
It has been wonderful to be back and see the children so working hard and motivated. We are encouraging the children to show the same determination with their home reading and we thank you for the time you give, it really does make such a difference.
The Goldfinch Subject Leaders have received a letter today from me and it is exciting to see them chatting to the staff and sharing ideas of how to develop their subject.
I look forward to another busy week next week. Goldfinch and Rosefinch will hopefully have an extra PE session on Monday, please can they all come in wearing their PE kit. If this is a problem please do not worry.
We still have fleeces available at the lower price of £10. If your child would like one, please send in an envelope with the name of your child and enclose the £10.
I wish you a lovely weekend and I hope we continue to stay well.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone