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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

6th November 2020

Dear Parents,


It is lovely to be back after half term and I hope you all received my letter by email yesterday morning.  

Since then I have been incredibly busy responding to the national guidance regarding this lockdown period.  At a time when we wanted to provide more sport than ever, we have had to cancel all our sports club from Monday.  I have shared my views on this with Wokingham and this will go forward to the DFE.  We have been running our clubs since September in a Covid secure manner and in class bubbles; it is sad that they now need to stop.

I would like to thank the parents I have emailed for their wonderful support with this and also NSsport.  I have worked with Mr Ward, a director of NSsport and Mr O'Reilly and we have responded in a way that supports them and our children.  We are fortunate to have fantastic sport provision and this will continue throughout the school week, during school time.  If anyone has any questions please email me. We are planning some virtual events for the children to join in with to motivate them to be active.  Rosefinch had a fantastic run today on the field.  Jack said that it made him feel stronger and Charles said it was great running a marathon!  These are moments we need to hold on to.


With Covid-19 in mind I would like to remind parents that children should be bringing in the absolute minimum.  It is vital that do not tranfer lots of things between home and school unnecessarily.  Some of Goldfinch have begun bringing in rubix cubes etc. and unfortunately this cannot happen given the current climate.


I know that since September there have been many timing changes to drop off and collection.  I do not wish to change the times again but in light of lockdown I would like to extend the drop off time in the morning as of Monday to 8.35am-8.55am.  Whilst I am confident that within the school premises there is room to distance, I appreciate that the pavements are narrow and the road is busy.  I hope providing this extra time allows people to feel more secure in their approach and departure in the village.  


I wish you a lovely, safe remembrance weekend. Next week I will share with you updates and photographs from FOFSA; I look forward to celebrating their hard work.


With kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone
