5th March 2021
Dear Parents & Guardians,
I hope you are well and that the children are looking forward to returning to school on Monday.
I wanted to share how proud I am of our pupils. They have worked hard, engaged with the videos, lives and the learning and have shown care and kindness towards each other. I know as parents, how hard you have worked too and I hope this weekend, you can take a moment to reflect on what you have done and achieved for your family. I hope you feel proud and I hope you can relax!
The letter I sent out on Monday should provide you with all the information you need for the return to school. I would like to reiterate a few points:
- Please do not allow the children to bring things into school other than the essentials.
- Please check your child's temperature before bringing them in. Take a precautious and proactive approach if your child or a member of your household is feeling unwell in anyway.
- If we send things home with the children, please know that we have done this is a Covid safe manner. If you do not wish to have things sent home, please let us know.
- Please adhere to the organisation set out for drop off and pick up. Please avoid bringing dogs to the entrance of the school carpark and please keep distance from others.
We have attached various documents to the Office updates including a note from Mr and Mrs Fox, Nssport information, Household testing information and a letter from Fofsa. Please take a look at all of these.
We have been so busy with remote learning, the provision for key worker children and the return to full opening but I am delighted that we have also continued developing as a school. We have Parentmail working, a new server, a new website design and layout and even new phones which allow us to transfer calls! We are also close to ordering new books for Key Stage two which is very exciting.
I wish you all a lovely weekend. I thank you for your support and the so many kind gestures shown to the staff. We are incredibly grateful for all you have done and we are pleased to support our wonderful school community.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone