5th January 2018
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a happy Christmas; the children have come back excited to tell us about their holidays and gifts. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the generosity shown towards the staff through best wishes, cards and gifts. I would also like to thank Lucy Douglas for looking after Bingo and Nibbles during the holiday. We have had the guinea pigs a year this week.
We have in these two days talked about new year resolutions and here in school we would like to start 2018 as we mean to go on! As a result the staff would like to have a 'Step it up week'. We will be recognising, praising and rewarding the children for the following:
- punctuality
- wearing correct, smart uniform, including shoes
- showing a readiness for learning in the classroom
- showing responsiblity for possessions in school and at home time
- using their manners Sorry, Thankyou, Excuse me, Please (STEP Badge)
Each class will have a Step it up week raffle box and the children will have their name put in the raffle throughout the week as we notice these important behaviours.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend
Jacquie Vanstone