5th February 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are enjoying the sunshine this morning and I wish you all a lovely weekend.
Managing Covid has dominated much of our time over the past two weeks with staff covering other roles and supporting each other as needed. Wokingham rates remain incredibly high, with an alarming number in primary education. We have had one further pupil case in Goldfinch since my last email.
Whilst nationally measures are changing, this has looked different within schools and we have and are taking a cautious approach. Managing Covid carefully and ensuring the children experience school life as we wish them to is a difficult balance. As of next week we will be restarting whole school assemblies, playtimes and lunchtimes and we are excited to be planning trips, visitors in school and football matches. Everything will be continually reviewed and adjusted as cases arise. Staff will no longer be asked to wear face masks around school, some may still choose to. We understand that parents and guardians may no longer wear masks on the school site if they choose not to. If we reach contingency measures due to increased cases, we will swiftly revert back, according to our risk assessment, to less mixing, staff wearing masks and at this point we would ask parents to wear masks as well. We need to move towards 'normal' whilst being ready to tighten measures quickly. We have seen the impact quick responses can make on reducing transmission. I feel positive as we inch further forwards in the pandemic and I hope you share my cautious optimism. If you have any questions or concerns, please be in touch with me.
Next week is Mental Health Awareness week and we will begin with an assembly launching the week with the theme 'growing together' through the charity Place2be. This is the charity I ran the London Marathon for in October and one we have support from in school. This year Mrs Paterson will be undertaking Mental Health Champion training through the charity and will then work alongside Ms Bardsley in her Nurture Assistant role as well as Mrs Dodds and I with parent coffee mornings. We will be using resources through Place2be across the week and to celebrate the importance of the mental health of our children, on Thursday 10th February we would like to join schools across the country 'dressing to express'. The children can choose their clothes for the day and use it as a opportunity to express themselves and what matters to them.
Following on from this, we are excited to be organising for our Chaffinch and Goldfinch pupils to be trained up as Mental Health Champions through a company called One Goal. A letter will be sent home about it ahead of the training day in March; this will be a wonderful opportunity for the children to focus on their own mental health as well as the impact they can have on others.
I am delighted that the church team have been back in school. I have shared on facebook information regarding Contrast youth group for Year 6 and up. I know the Year 6 children who attend have a wonderful time and thank you for those of you who completed the short survey regarding Contrast. Goldfinch also took home a letter regarding an introductory session for Confirmation which I know some children have been asking about. If you are missing any information and would like to know more, please ask. The introductory session for Confirmation is this Sunday.
I have enjoyed my time in Rosefinch this week and there is so much to look forward to next week in addition to all the wonderful learning that is taking place. On Friday the girls have a football match away so there will be no training for the boys and I wish them luck.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone