4th October 2024
Good afternoon,
We have had the most wonderful week and according to many children today was the best Friday ever!
We are so proud of our Year 6 children for their accomplishments at PGL. The staff have enjoyed being with such a lovely group and I know the children have had a great time. It is such a fantastic opportunity and we see the children shine in different ways. My thanks go to Mrs Wirth, Mrs Baker, Mrs Pasha and Mrs Martinez for the care and enthusiasm they have given. The sunshine finished the week off perfectly for them all. I would also like to thank Mrs Lawrence for handling all the paperwork, payments and communication with PGL etc. It is such a big job!
In school, I have had the privilege of spending more time in classrooms. All year groups are working with such focus, resilience and purpose and I have shared some pupil voice on the Maths page. There was such a buzz when the children talked about their learning. https://www.finchampsteadschool.org/pupil-views-2/
On Tuesday, Mrs Martinez took some netball girls to St Paul's Junior School for a tournament. They played well, drawing two of their matches. It was so wet for them but they had fun and shown resilience.
Our coffee morning today was well attended and we are looking forward to hosting more of them as the term progresses. Thank you Mrs Dodds and School Council for organising and serving in order to raise money for Hello Yellow - Young minds charity. It also bought many of our community together over a coffee and we hope you enjoyed it.
I thought it would be helpful to share dates for next week as it looks busy!
Monday - Football match for the girls leaving school at 2pm - 2.30 kick off at Keep hatch.
Football match for the boys leaving at the end of the day - also at Keep hatch.
Deadline for returning Fife lessons letter to Mrs Gan - the club will begin on Thursday.
Tuesday - Drop off at church with harvest gifts. We will check the path and the weather forecast and confirm details on Monday for new families. All families are welcome to join us at church.
Netball match after school at St Paul's Junior School
FOFSA AGM 6pm in school - we would love you to join us.
Wednesday - Flu nasal spray
Thursday - Hello Yellow - come in normal uniform with yellow accessories. If you wish to donate, here is a link: https://justgiving.com/fundraising/sarah-dodds-1727901067
First Fife lesson for those signed up.
Friday - The girls have a football match after school so there is no club for the boys.
I wish you a lovely weekend and include some photos which I hope you enjoy.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone