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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

3rd September 2021

Welcome back!


Dear Parents and Guardians,


It has been such a pleasure to welcome back our school community in a much more normal fashion.   I hope you all had a good summer and that you stayed safe.  The roof work certainly kept me busy over the summer but we are delighted that such important work has been carried out.

The holiday club ran successfully throughout the summer and I would like to thank Mr O'Reilly for all of his support within school on top of running a fantastic club.


We started the week with an assembly altogether which felt like such a treat!  We have resumed normal procedures in school however we have a risk assessment and contingency plan which we will revert to if we have Covid cases within school.  I can assure you that we are doing everything with caution, care and great planning to keep everything as safe as possible whilst providing the best for the children.


I wanted to take this opportunity to ask if any parents have the capacity and desire to help in school.  We would like to have regular parent readers, someone to support with our library and a parent to organise the new uniform stock and orders.  These roles have such an impact on what we can achieve as a school and any support would be gratefully received.

We are also going to extend our advert for a Lunchtime Controller as we are yet to fill the post.


We have been back for 2 days and they have been filled with fun, learning and friendship.  The new Reception children have had two lovely afternoons getting to know the staff and the school and I know the Year 6 buddies cannot wait to be with them next week.  Goldfinch looked fantastic dressed up for their Greek day and I was so impressed with how hard they have worked on their projects.  Such an exciting start to our new school year.


I thank you all for your support and look forward to seeing you next week.  Please keep safe and well over the weekend.

With kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone


