3rd July 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you remain well; most children have been in school at some point this week, which has been wonderful for their wellbeing as well as that of the staff.
I am sure many of you watched the government briefing as I did yesterday regarding schools reopening. Our current provision adheres to the June government guidance; it is centred on pupil wellbeing and transition; we are providing this safely and effectively but we are at capacity in the manner in which we are doing so. The primary focus now and in September will be prioritising mental health and in turn each child's readiness to learn.
Governors and I will now work to secure a robust risk assessment ready to open fully in September and as always, I will share information with you as and when I can. We closed on 20th March but school reopened for key worker and vulnerable children on 23rd March; we have remained open ever since. During this time we have made changes to our provision, risk assessments and policies to open for Key worker children, then 1st June for wider opening and since then when we extended opening further. All of this experience will be helpful in planning this next stage which is to have all children back full time and accessing a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum.
Next week we will be emailing out school reports; this will be done over a number of days so please be in touch if you have not received your child's report by Friday morning. We will send them out a class at a time so you may not receive all reports on the same day.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the Sports day activities set as well as the other learning opportunities on the website. Next week the year 6 children will carry out their Bikeability course, which I know they are looking forward to.
Before I close, I wanted to thank Mrs Gan and her son Jonathon who spend a morning cutting back the hedges around school. The difference is enormous and on behalf of us all I would like to thank them. Fortunately, they stopped moments before the heavy rain started!
I wish you all a lovely and hopefully dry and sunny weekend.
Jacquie Vanstone