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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

31st January 2025

Good afternoon,


I hope you are well.  We have had another great week of learning and I have enjoyed spending time at lunchtime with the children.  Our lunchtimes have been filled with outside play, loom banding, chess, choir and lego and all clubs have been enjoyed with lots of creativity and laughter.  Today I joined Mrs Gan to listen to many of the WASMA solo auditions and felt very proud of all of them.


Everyday in school is full of active learning and it has been a pleasure to see the children coming in after a walk or run, smiling, rosy cheeked and ready for learning. Bullfinch are routinely building up the miles and the progress day to day is brilliant.


I enjoyed today's PE with Goldfinch as they played a Mayan ball game called Pok-ta-Pok.  Both teams were aiming for a goal on the opposite side but they could only hit the ball with their knee, elbow or hip.  It was wonderful to see how much fun they had, how honest they were with how they had hit the ball and how determined they were to win!  I was impressed Mrs Pasha knew the rules so well. Well done for such fantastic cross curricular learning!


As wider development for Goldfinch, they enhanced their learning with a visit to Winchester Science Museum on Tuesday.  They had a super day with the highlight for many being the planetarium.  


Our football girls from played a match today in Slough.  It was a hard match which they didn't win but Mr O'Reilly was so proud of how well they played.  We look forward to the next match!


I would like to thank you for your patience as we address maintenance issues.  We are grateful that Caterlink have worked quickly to repair the dishwasher and that meals have returned to normal.  We are a day or two away from our new boiler installation being complete which will be appreciated by us all.


On Monday, we are pleased to be joined by our School Improvement Partner for a deep look at our Maths teaching and learning and I look forward to sharing his feedback.


I wish you all a lovely weekend.

With kind regards 

Jacquie Vanstone



