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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

29th March 2018 Latest News and Office Updates

A few weeks ago the Year 6 children enjoyed their Easter Experience at Wokingham Baptist Church.  The same children have now taken part in a reenactment of the 'Easter Story' for the whole school.  It was really enjoyed by everyone and a wonderful learning experience.  A big thank you to Mr and Mrs Fox who helped the children.


It was lovely to have parents in school on Wednesday for our Easter Singing Assembly.  I am sure you all enjoyed hearing some of the songs from the children's WASMA performance.  We are so proud of them all;  they sang beautifully at the Hexagon Theatre on Sunday and it is inspiring for the rest of the school to see them perform.  Thanks again go to Mrs Gan and Mrs Coulson for all their hard work.


The Easter Service today was a lovely way to finish the term.  It is a shame we couldn't have the service in church but given the amount of rain, the paths just wouldn't be safe for our walk back to school.


We are looking forward to the FOFSA sponsored walk on Saturday 21st April 2018.  It isn't too late to register to take part in either the 5 or 15 mile walk.  Please email to book your place.  Funds raised through the walk will be split between school and Sue Ryder.  The children's version of the sponsored walk, this will be age appropriate, will be taking place in their PE lessons during the first week of the Summer Term.  Please use the same sponsorship form.


Office Updates

Caterlink's Summer menu options, including special diet menus, are now on the website.


PGL October 18 - next payment of £60 is due in school on the 17th April 2018.  Thank you to those who have already paid.


Wishing you all a very relaxing and fun Easter holiday.  Children return to school on Tuesday 17th April 2018 with NSSport in school for Inset day activities on 16th April.

