28th July 2019
Dear Parents,
As you will be aware we have sent out a letter this week regarding staffing for next year. The Reception parents also know which class their child will be in. There are many opportunities for you to be in school over the next couple of week so please keep an eye on the calandar.
Next week we have Sports day and I will send home a separate letter about this on Monday. We are keen to have some more adult support so please let me know if you would like a job on the day. We also need gazebos so if you have one we could borrow we would be grateful. We will have a slightly earlier lunch so we would encourage packed lunch if possible. The children looked great in their coloured t-shirts on Wednesday so please make sure your child has one in school next week.
We also look forward to welcoming our new Reception children on Thursday afternoon; I know the Year 5 children will be excited to find out who their buddy will be.
I hope you enjoy the weather this weekend although take care in the heat. I look forward to seeing lots of you at the Church Fete tomorrow, 1-4pm at the Memorial Park. I will also be taking Bingo and Caramel, our guinea pigs, to church on Sunday; please join me! The Pet service poster in on the Office Updates.
Have a lovely weekend
Jacquie Vanstone