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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

24th January 2025

Good afternoon,


I hope you have had a good week.  I have spent some of my time in the classrooms this week which has been such a pleasure.  It was great to see Goldfinch so engaged in their blogging on the laptops.  I saw Chaffinch in their Maths lessons, enjoying their problem solving, Bullfinch writing with such improved stamina and Rosefinch playing traditional games in their Maths.


We have taken some time this week to remind the children of certain procedures within school as well as general manners and behaviours.  It is so lovely to see the children holding the door open for each other and all these behaviours are important to us.  Please can I remind parents to check uniforms are correct and complete so the children look and feel smart both in PE kit and in their school uniform.


Please can I remind you that the children should not be walking through the carpark at any point.  Please always ensure they use the pedestrian path so they remain safe from moving vehicles.


Sadly, our football match today was cancelled.  The girls are due to play in Slough next week for their County Cup match and letters will go out on Monday.  We are aware of the distance and would be grateful to know if a few parents are happy to take the team between them.  Please be in touch if you can help.


We have taken a group of infants and a group of KS2 children to Pinewood gymnastics club this week.  They had a great time and the older children performed their prepared routine very well.


As you know, we have continued without our main school boiler this week and look forward to the new boiler being fitted next week.  I have learnt a lot about boilers and sadly the cost of our new boiler is going to impact our budget enormously.  One of the children keeps telling me to find a shooting star and wish for it to be free but in the absence of a star, we have an Amazon wishlist!

Staff will continue to add to the wishlist and we would be very grateful of any support you can give, I am hoping the link works successfully.  Deliveries can be made to school.

We are grateful to our wonderful FOFSA team as they remain committed to our Rosefinch outside development along with other projects.  


I look forward to another busy week next week and I know Goldfinch are looking forward to their Winchester Science Museum trip on Tuesday.


Wishing you all a good weekend.

Jacquie Vanstone




