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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

20th October 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians,


I wanted to finish this half term by thanking you for your support.  The children have had a fantastic half term and we have been impressed with transition throughout the school.


This week we have given out badges for various leadership roles within the school and more will follow next half term with Sports leaders and Subject Leaders.  The School Council have held a number of meetings and enjoyed organising and running the Cake sale yesterday.  £108 was raised which will be used to buy resources for Chess club and then saved for further club ideas later in the term.  Lucca in Chaffinch was keen to have a chess club and it is wonderful to see how one person's idea can lead to such a positive team achievement.  The cakes looked delicious and I thank all those who contributed.

Next half term will be the exciting run up to Christmas but with so much exciting learning first. 


This term has been filled with trips, visitors, creations and a lot of hard work.  I have spent time in each class, each week and the love for learning shines out.  Strong attendance is so important for the children and I am pleased that our overall attendance has risen over the half term.  Governors and staff are monitoring attendance closely and I am hopeful that by us working together with parents, we can ensure this improvement continues.  I have noticed that parents are more willing to send their child in even if they are not feeling 100%.  This is important for their learning and their understanding of commitment and resilience and I am pleased that parents trust that we would be in touch if a child needed to be at home.  This slight shift in approach, however small, can make the difference between a child being persistently absent or not, as well as how much progress they make.


I wish you all a lovely half term.  We have an Inset day on Monday 30th October. NSsport holiday club will be running through next week and also on the Inset day.


I encourage you to look at the calendar for key dates next term. I will send a Christmas diary sheet summary in the first few weeks as I know this can be helpful in the run up to Christmas.

Once again, thank you for your support and have a safe and happy half term.


With kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone
