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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

20th July 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,


I can't believe the Summer holidays have begun!  It was lovely to have parents with us for the end of year assembly today.


This week has been carefully managed with the hot weather but has still been filled with important learning and wonderful enrichment.

Our church service was special for our leavers and the rest of the school as we approached the end of the year.  We walked back under the trees and once back at school benefited from all the shade we have.


Soak the teacher was a great success and we raised nearly £200 which was well deserved! The teachers were great and we were completely soaked. In the photos I have added, there is a photo of Alfie in year 6, moments before and moments after he poured water down my back, the evidence is definately there!


On Tuesday Mr and Mrs Fox treated us to an assembly in school.  The children all enjoyed it and came out singing!  This also provided the opportunity for the Year 6 children to look at their bibles in more detail; they really are great bibles and I thank the governors for them and Mr and Mrs Fox for giving such a valuable introduction.


The Chaffinch trade fair was postponed until today and whilst it added pressure having it on the last day, it was an absolute highlight.  The children were proud, passionate, knowledgeable and confident.  Every group showed such hard work and commitment and it was a wonderful start to the day, especially with such a great choice for an extra breakfast!


This leads me to the end of term and a huge thank you to all our parents for the support you show.  Our school is a special place and seeing the academic progress and success alongside the enriched learning should make us all feel proud.

I know it is an emotional day for Year 6 and our leavers but they are ready, confident and happy and I wish them every success.


We are also saying goodbye to Beehive today.  Beehive have worked in the school for many years and have shown great commitment and loyalty to us.  I wish to thank them all for all they have done for our school.


Miss Frank is leaving us today to train as as a Secondary Art teacher which is wonderful and we have enjoyed having her working with us.  In September, Adele Baker will be working in Goldfinch at the beginning of the week and we look forward to welcoming her as a member of staff. 


The staff and I have been blown away by the kindness shown towards us through gifts and cards and your comments.  I cannot emphasize enough how much it means to us all, thank you.


I look forward to seeing you in September for another exciting year.  I will email out details regarding NSsport wrap around care over the next few days and their holiday club is running at school each day during the summer (except bank holidays).  I wish everyone a truly relaxing summer.


With kind regards  

Jacquie Vanstone


