20th April 2018
Dear Parents,
Welcome back after what I hope was a relaxing and refreshing Easter holiday. We took the opportunity in the Easter holiday to have new lighting installed both inside and out which we are very pleased with. I would like to acknowledge the hard work many children put into their home learning over the holiday. At this busy time, with assessments approaching, parental support with home learning is incredibly valuable. There is support on our website for parents, and staff are always keen to provide any guidance or help you need.
The teachers were back in school on Monday. We focused the day on our SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) provision. Staff worked together exploring all aspects of intervention throughout the school as well as the new Rezone app which is being trialled with Goldfinch. Thank you Mrs Leen for organising and leading a great day.
We were delighted that 24 children attended the NSsport Activity Day, a fantastic uptake both from families in need of childcare and those whose children just wanted to have a fun day. The weather was perfect and the children enjoyed a variety of activities both inside and out. Thank you NSsport for providing such a fantastic and popular service.
Last term we had a whole school focus on responsibility and this term we are concentrating on respect. Mrs Wirth led our Achievement assembly on Wednesday which was a celebration of how we demonstrate respect to one another and to ourselves.
Our value this half term is Honesty; on 23rd April Goldfinch will begin to lead Collective Worship on Mondays which will centre on the value of honesty.
It has been wonderful to restart our running this week; many children have missed it, I certainly have. I feel privileged when I stand in the middle of the Memorial Park and see our whole school running together with enthusiasm, fun and determination. This week all the children have had half an hour to run or walk around the field. This was to give the children the opportunity to participate in a sponsored event to support the FOFSA walks on Saturday. The information for the walks is all on the website, we would be delighted if you could join us. The children completed 211.5 miles between them; they were positive and motivated and we hope you can support by sponsoring them. Money will be shared between school and Sue Ryder.
The weather has been such a treat this week; it has been great to see the children enjoying picnic lunches and fun on the playground along with so much outside learning. I wish you a wonderful weekend in the sunshine and I hope to see many of you for either our FOFSA 5/FOFSA 15 or just for the cakes afterwards!
Jacquie Vanstone