1st October 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Another wonderful week has flown by and the sun is finally shining again.
On Monday our Year 6 began their week away at PGL Liddington. They have had a fantastic time which is hopefully one they will always remember. An enormous thank you goes to Mrs Wirth, Mrs Pasha, Mrs Hayes and Mrs Martinez for giving their time and care and fun. My appreciation also goes to Mrs Lawrence for all the paperwork that is involved in such a trip, especially in Covid times.
I have felt so proud of the Year 5s this week, they have looked after Rosefinch, carried out all the duties of our prefects and they weren't even asked to do any of it. Well done Year 5, Prefects in the making!
Mrs Gan organised a wonderful band performance from Berkshire Maestros, it was such a treat for the children and one that lifted and inspired us all. Thank you Mrs Gan. The choir also had a first session at lunch on Thursday and a great number of children attended, it feels great to have singing inside again.
Next week is a busy week which I will go through now.
We have our Learning reviews on Monday and Thursday, please come into the hall via the playground gate. I look forward to having the opportunity to chat to you there. Please remember to wear a mask and only come if you are fully well.
On Wednesday we are going to church for our Harvest service. For this we ask that parents drop off at St James' church center at the normal drop off time. We will register the children and then take them into the church. After the service we will walk all the children back to school, Goldfinch love to help their buddies so please do not worry if you have younger children. We ask for the children to bring a donation to the Crowthorne foodbank and I have added a photo here with their list. Unfortunately parents cannot join us for the service due to Covid restrictions and keeping our school and church community as safe as possible.
On Friday 8th October we will be celebrating 'Hello Yellow' by wearing yellow accessories e.g. socks, hair bands. This is to celebrate World Mental Health Day. We also wish to celebrate our school Founders day so whilst we focus on our mental health, we will also celebrate our sense of belonging to our wonderful school.
The final date I would like to highlight is for the following week. On Wednesday 13th October we would like to invite our Reception parents to join us at the church as we present the children with their bibles. Please join us for a 2.30 pm assembly if can make it. Their Year 6 buddies will be walking up to the church with Reception so we ask that Year 6 parents collect them between 3pm and 3.15pm. Any children returning to school for Beehive or NSsport will be walked back by staff.
If anyone has any questions we are more than happy to help so please just ask.
I did want to take this opportunity to clarify communication from school.
On a Friday I add a newsletter onto the website and when there are office updates, Jackie Lawrence will do the same. We work hard to keep the calendar up to date and will also use the scrolling message on the website for reminders.
Parentmail can be used for ordering uniform and lunches and we also have the facility to book Learning review meetings as we have this week.
There are two facebook pages, Finchampstead Primary School page is used by staff for reminders and celebrations of what is happening in school. Finchampstead C of E Parents All Years is for parent use for any questions, lost items and general communication.
Finally if you need to contact the school, please ring or email. The email is Finchparents@finchampstead.wokingham.sch.uk but if it is during the weekend or holiday and Covid related please email head@finchampstead.wokingham.sch.uk
I hope this clarity is helpful.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend. It is the London Marathon on Sunday and I want to wish Edward's mum and Ashton's mum the best of luck with their run as well as any other parents taking part. I will be running for a charity called Place2Be which I am really passionate about so hopefully that will be enough to spur me on. A few parents have asked about sponsoring me so I have added the link. Whilst it is important to me to support this children's mental health charity, I am also hoping it is a lesson for our children in what can be achieved (hopefully) with a huge amount of determination.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone