1st May 2020
Dear Parents & Guardians,
We are at the end of another week! This is a short message to say well done and thank you. Staff and families are working hard to support distance learning and I am delighted that you are all enjoying moments of success and fun. It is hard and such a different experience for everyone. It has been a pleasure to speak to so many of you over the past two weeks and if you have a voicemail message from me and would like to speak please ring school and leave a message.
I know this is an unsettling time for the children and I urge you to ask us for any help you need; we will do all we can to support you and the children. I am sure many of you are trying to predict when schools may reopen. We will do all we can to prepare for reopening whenever and however this may happen. Once we have government and Wokingham guidance we will put plans in place and inform you; please keep in mind that we may receive this news at the same time as you do.
I would again thank the staff for their hard work and support with both learning and school provision. I wish you all a lovely weekend at home and hope that we all stay well.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone