18th March 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are well and that you have been able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. It has felt like such a treat to have our playtimes and lunchtimes without coats on. As the sunny weather hopefully continues, please make sure cardigans and jumpers are clearly labelled.
As we await further assessment on the roof, we have taken the opportunity to take our Collective worship outside, we are so lucky to have the surroundings that we do.
This week I have spent a lot of time in the classrooms, I have enjoyed Art with Chaffinch, hearing Bullfinch reciting poetry and I joined Rosefinch for their Collective worship video today. I have spent most time in Goldfinch which has been such a delight to see their focus, hard work and excitement for their learning. Today Goldfinch were also reciting poems they had written about the rainforest and it was lovely to see them encouraging each other, giving positive feedback and enjoying their performances.
Thank you to all our parents who attended Learning Reviews last week. The staff enjoyed meeting with you and discussing your child's learning. We have most of our Home School Agreement documents signed and I will send home any that we are missing.
I hope you all enjoy the jokes the children have taken home today for Red nose day and we thank you for your donations. The children enjoyed making their class joke list and it has certainly sparked an interest in joke telling again which is lovely. Some children came with me to deliver the sheet to our school neighbours, hopefully spreading a little joy and laughter.
Next week will be another busy week. We have a tournament for some Chaffinch pupils and Goldfinch have their trip to The Living Rainforest. I am hopeful that I will spend just as much time in classrooms and on the playground next week as I have this week. We have a Reading University student joining us in Goldfinch next week which I know the children are looking forward to.
We are still advertising for a lunchtime controller and I know that Beehive are advertising for staff for our school. The Beehive role would be up to 4.30pm and your child could attend the club. Please be in touch if you are interested in either post.
Finally, I must mention Covid. We have had a case in Rosefinch and Goldfinch this week. The numbers within Wokingham schools has risen suddenly again and on Monday alone Wokingham primary schools had 200 cases. We must stay very cautious and please, parents or helpers, do not come into school if someone within your household has tested positive, this does not apply to siblings.
I wish you a lovely weekend, enjoy our jokes!
Jacquie Vanstone