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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

17 April 2020

Dear Parents & Guardians,


I hope you are all enjoying the Easter holiday and most importantly staying well.  We know for certain that home learning will continue for at least 3 weeks.  I would like to thank staff for the home learning preparation that has taken place over the Easter holiday but also for their time in school.  We have remained open for our key worker families as they have needed it and I thank NSsport for the use of their holiday club resources, especially the didicars!  As some staff have worked in school over the holiday period Mrs Wirth and I will be responding to any emails relating to home learning or wellbeing that come in next week.  Please still use your child's class name in the subject but it may not be the class teacher responding.  I will be ringing families over the next few weeks to see how you are so please don't be surprised if I phone!


I am sure many of you are joining in with national clapping and support for the NHS.  I congratulate the efforts made by the Lynsky family to support with PPE provision and I know many of you have supported them.  As a school, I would like to raise some money for the NHS and show our support.  I am delighted that we are joining together with Nirvana Spa to do just that.  Here is the link to their website with details of the fitness event next week and how you can get involved.

I would be very grateful for your support with this. I hope we can reach our target, have fun, get fitter and show our gratitude to the NHS.  This is an event for all the family, any age and wherever they are in the world, please support either by donating or joining in or both!


I wish you well and hope the children enjoy the focus of home learning again next week; I think a little routine for us all is helpful at this time.  Please take care and be in touch via email: if you need any support.


With kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone

