16th July 2021
Dear Parents & Guardians
I think my emails this week will have given you a picture of how challenging the week has been. I would like to thank you all for your support and kind emails and to the staff who have taken on roles that certainly do not appear on their job description!
We have a wonderful team at school and it is a pleasure to work with them all, I am so grateful to them.
Yet again, this week the learning has been full of excitement and new experiences. It has been a pleasure to see what is going on in each class and the smell from the Goldfinch cooking has been amazing. Chaffinch have enjoyed digging up their potatoes and some of the other vegetables they have grown, we have many budding gardeners thanks to Mrs Gan's dedication and passion.
Today we walked over to thank the ladies selling strawberries for their wonderful hard work for the benefit of our community. We also treated our School Council to a cake and strawberry! They have worked hard and contributed a great deal in a very difficult year.
Next week we have just 2 days but lots to do! The year 6 will have a leavers assembly outside the church on Monday (just for year 6 children) and a treat afterwards. We then have the Leavers show on Google classrooms at 7.30pm for you all to enjoy. On Monday we will be sending home some completed books and other bits and pieces, please be assured we are doing this in a Covid safe way.
Collection on Tuesday should be 2pm but please follow these timings to enable us to stagger collection.
Rosefinch 1.50pm
Bullfinch 1.55pm
Chaffinch 2pm
Goldfinch 2.05pm
Please arrive at the time for your youngest child but do not come early.
I will be sending a final newsletter on Tuesday but in the meantime I wish you a lovely weekend. Please stay safe as it feels that Covid is all around us. I will monitor my emails over the weekend so if you have any concerns, please be in touch head@finchampstead.wokingham.sch.uk
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone