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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

14th February 2020

Dear Parents,


What a busy and exciting half term it has been!  There has been much focus around our vision and values and using them to accelerate pupil progress.  The children and staff are working hard to make the most of every moment and we can really see the impact of the daily repetition with key skills in English and Maths.  Children and staff are certainly ready for a holiday but I do hope that you will encourage your children to continue to carry out daily timestables and reading; it can make such a difference.


It has been a pleasure to welcome two new members of Staff since January; Charlotte Paterson is supporting Chaffinch and Goldfinch each morning and Louise Pullen is also working in Goldfinch on a Monday and Tuesday.  Sadly, Jill Anders will no longer be working on a Monday and Tuesday but we are looking forward to her continued involvement in the school in a different capacity.  


We have been incredibly fortunate this half term to have the involvement of many parents and their support has been invaluable.  I would like to express my thanks especially to Jo Dickson.  Jo has been attending Warren Lodge each week with Chaffinch, has been reading with Rosefinch, has supported the lunch team on a Monday, has taken responsibility for uniform and has been on the FOFSA committee.  Jo will be stopping these roles to have more time for herself in preparation for her fourth baby.  Her dedication and commitment has been wonderful and she has made such a difference to our school in so many ways.  Thank you Jo from us all.


Next half term will begin with our Learning Reviews; I look forward to seeing you and I am happy to meet with any parents during either evening if you wish to meet with me.  There will also be SATs meetings and a Phonics meeting next half term so please keep an eye on the calendar for these dates.


We have had some children absent in the past fortnight with colds, coughs and some high temperatures. We are reminding the children a lot about hand washing and the importance of personal hygiene.  We are sending some boys back to wash their hands many times before lunch following football in the ball court!  We will of course use the half term break to carry out a deeper clean in school and are having the Chaffinch carpet professionally cleaned as part of our ongoing cleaning plan and maintenance.


I wish you all a wonderful half term.  NSSport will be in school each weekday for the holiday club; all children are welcome and you can book online throughout the week.  We have an Inset day on Monday 24th February; Nssport will be here and the staff will spend the day developing our curriculum plans and provision.  


With Kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone
