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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

12th July 2024

Good afternoon,


We started the week with a Stomp!  We were delighted to welcome Ollie is a drummer, percussionist, educator and the director of 'Beat Goes On'. He is a former cast member of the London and European Tour casts of STOMP.  Ollie worked with each class and inspired a week of creativity. We were delighted to share some of this learning in an assembly today, thank you for providing our audience and I hope you enjoyed it.  We would like to ask for donations towards the Stomp workshop which should appear on your Parentmail.  Thank you.


We have had two assemblies this week led by the children.  The first was led by our School Council on spirituality and understanding what spirituality is and what it means to us individually.  They have sent home a piece of paper to ask families to share their visual representation of spirituality and we would love to have some back.  When we shared ideas in school, the children said, they might draw a flower, a ball of fire, a robin.  Just your drawings or ideas would be great to see.

The second assembly was a stilling assembly led by Harry, Henry, Erin and Briony.  It was peaceful and they led it with calm confidence.


On Tuesday, it was wonderful to welcome our new Reception 2024 children and they will be in again on Tuesday next week.  

I also went to see Chaffinch swimming on Tuesday.  So many of them were really pushing themselves and swimming with big smiles on their faces.  It was great to watch and I hope they enjoy their final session next week.


A huge thank you to Mrs Metcalfe for organising the Rosefinch and Bullfinch trip to Grays farm.  The photos say it all!  They had a great time and learnt so much.  Some of the bags of picked fruit looked quite muddy but I hope you enjoyed some of the fruit and vegetables.


With only 7 school days left, there is a lot to squeeze in.  I thought it may be helpful to share the dates here:


Monday 15th           Year 6 Bikeability (please leave bikes in gazebo area)

Tuesday 16th           New Reception Stay and Play

                                  Year 6 Bikeability

                                  Chaffinch last swimming lesson

Wednesday 17th      All books back in -  library, class and phonics books.  Please look through bookshelves and even under beds! Each book is expensive and we are missing many out of our schemes.  We will place a box by the gate for any school books you may find.   We also have a few missing football kits and need those back please.

Thursday 18th          Year 6 Leavers' church service - all parents welcome 1.30pm at                                     St James'. We will walk Reception, Year 5 and 6 up to the                                             church and back.

                                   Chaffinch Learning Event - parents invited 2.30pm.

                                   Open evening  and French cafe - all families welcome to look at  books, classrooms and enjoy some cake!  Please come anytime from 5pm. We have a finish time of 6.30pm.

Friday 19th               Sports day with a 1pm start on the field - parents welcome.

Monday 22nd           Year 6 trip to Footgolf

                                   Year 6 Leavers' show for Year 6 families 7pm.

Tuesday 23rd            1.15pm End of year assembly - all welcome with a 2pm end of day.  It would really help if children could be packed lunch on this day but a school lunch can still be ordered.


At this time of year, we ask our parents to complete a short survey.  We would be very grateful if you would complete it.


I wish you a lovely weekend and I hope you enjoy the football on Sunday!


With kind regards, 

Jacquie Vanstone



