12th January 2024
Good afternoon,
This first full week back has flown by. It has been great to see the children excited by their new learning.
I have led many tours this week in the run up to the Reception 24 application deadline. Harley in Chaffinch led one of the tours with me and I was delighted to share with Mrs Gan that she said on the tour that the couple would not believe how fun Mrs Gan's singing assemblies are!
Mrs Gan is busy organising WASMA 2024. This is a Wokingham concert held at The Hexagon in Reading in March. Key Stage 2 children are invited to join and the rehearsal commitments are set out clearly for parents and children to see in advance, please ask if you would like to know more and to possibly sign up. It is a wonderful experience for the children and provides special memories for parents and staff. I can't wait, especially with the title of At the movies!
We are delighted to see the children ready to learn and engaging so positively in the classroom. I would like to remind parents that we hold high expectations in regards to our uniform and I believe this supports the children to feel proud, smart and ready. We have had a few children without ties, please ensure a tie is always worn. Some children, especially in Goldfinch, have not been wearing black leggings or tracksuit bottoms for PE. They do need to be plain black with no logos, stripes or other colours.
We also wish to reiterate that the children in Rosefinch and Bullfinch should bring in their book bag each day. With staff changing books and the children needing to use them during the school day, it is essential that each child brings this rather than a rucksack which is not necessary. We thank you for your support with this to ensure the books are kept clean and neat and to enable systems in school to work efficiently to enhance learning.
My final request would be for children not to bring in toys and things from home, there is some sharing, swapping and gifting happening which often ends in tears, especially with the younger children!
It has been a pleasure to welcome Louisa to our school. Louisa is working for NSsport running Breakfast club and joining Victoria at After school club. The children have enjoyed getting to know her and we wish her a warm welcome.
Our value this half term is friendship. I have and will continue to explore friendship with the children through discussions and Collective worship. We will be focusing on the impact a strong, positive friendship can have on our own wellbeing and achievements.
On that note, I wish you all a happy, restful weekend with friends and family
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone