11th October
Dear Parents
As many of you know this week has thrown many challenges our way; I have been fortunate to be surrounded by such kind, supportive and helpful people and as a result the week has been a good one. It has also demonstrated this week how resilient and calm our children are and how safe and cared for they feel in school.
Our Year 6 children have been at PGL in Liddington, Swindon. They have had such a wonderful time. It has been great to see them taking on new challenges and experiences, showing care and consideration to each other throughout. I have enjoyed looking at the photos and as many parents have commented, they look so happy. I cannot thank the staff enough; Mrs Wirth and Mrs Judge have shared the week and Mrs Anders has been with the children all week. I wish to thank them for their wonderful commitment, care and for supporting the children during what has been a fantastic week.
The Year 5 children have fitted into the Year 6 roles seamlessly; they have demonstrated wonderful leadership skills and we all feel very proud of them. I have had the pleasure in teaching them for part of the week and we have had great fun with a healthy snack project.
On Wednesday afternoon Mr O'Reilly took 6 boys to a Luckley House Football Tournament. I watched two of the matches and they played brilliantly and came back as winners of a trophy. It was exciting to see them play so well as a team and to see their commitment and determination throughout.
On Thursday even though parents dropped off at the church centre there was a problem with a beam in the church and we were unable to have the service in there. We registered the children and walked back to school. The walk back was beautiful and Reverend Julie led our Harvest service in school. No one was hurt and parent support was invaluable, thank you.
On Thursday afternoon the school recited poems and sang Harvest songs to some of our past pupils. The children performed brilliantly and it was a lovely way to end the day. The visitors enjoyed their Year 5 tours and also sharing photos and memories with each other and with the children.
This weekend we have our Grounds day, all help would be gratefully received as it has such a positive impact on the learning environment for the children.
I hope the Year 6 children have a restful weekend after their busy week. I look forward to seeing you next week.
Kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone