11th January 2019
Dear Parents,
It has been a great week to be back in routine with the children all working very hard; I have given lots of Headteacher stickers out which is always a pleasure.
I attempted Collective Worship on Monday morning but the hall was far too cold and and we were still awaiting the pump to repair it. We therefore had to cancel our Epiphany Church Service. Staff worked together to plan some Epiphany art work which was completed in their colour teams so each classroom had children from Reception to Year 6 children working together. This is always special and was a great learning experience. Mr and Mrs Fox had their Collective Worship today with the children and this was a fantastic way to bring our learning together.
On Tuesday afternoon Melanie from Warren Lodge came to meet with Chaffinch to reflect on the experiences so far and to plan future visits to the Dementia care home. This was perfectly timed with the children across the whole school being awarded their Dementia Awareness badges based around learning in school.
We also had four children leading the story and craft at Fledgelings, the Church toddler group. It was a pleasure to take them, to see them enjoying the experience and to reflect on what they had learnt and gained from it as we walked back to school. This will be a link for Goldfinch to have and will develop the children's leadership skills even further.
I have been aware of many issues this week with the school lunches and I would like to reassure you that we are addressing the issues with Caterlink.
There have been a few letters sent home today but I would like to draw your attention to one in particular which is regarding Mrs Weston's decision to retire at Easter, a letter went home with your eldest child.
Every year, as a thank you, the governors cook a beautiful meal for the staff and governors. It is always a lovely evening and a celebration of all our hard work. Staff have this to look forward to this evening.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend
Jacquie Vanstone