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Welcome to Finchampstead C of E (Aided) Primary School

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

Parent Mail

10th May 2024

Good afternoon,


I hope you are well and are enjoying the sunshine.  We have squeezed so much into a short week, it has been wonderful.


We began with Chaffinch having their first swimming lesson, I enjoyed hearing what they thought of it and it was all positive!


On Thursday, according to some of Reception "we had an Ascension adventure!" We couldn't walk the usual way to church as it was too wet but the alternative, longer route was so beautiful.  When we arrived up at church, Mr and Mrs Fox were waiting for us and led our talk along with music and singing.  I would like to thank you all for the breakfast contributions.  It was delicious and I heard one of the Goldfinch boys saying, "is it okay to have 4ths?"

I found the morning incredibly special and I think that was down to the beautiful surroundings, the children's enjoyment and most importantly the sense of community that made it happen in the way it did; I think it is quite unique.  The sunshine may have played a part too!


The school was then represented by some of Chaffinch in a cross country event at St Neots.  Mrs Martinez and Mrs Baker supported our runners. The children were hard working and determined and as a result performed well.  


Mr O'Reilly accompanied some Chaffinch and Goldfinch girls at a Cantley football tournament.  They were enthusiastic and had a great morning.

Goldfinch then had their Multisports club with parents which looked great fun.  Thank you for supporting.


Over the past few weeks I have mentioned our Year 6 pupils for their resilience and determination as they prepare for their SATs.  This time next week the SATs will be over but the learning and the skills built up in preparation will be important going forwards.  The children are all working hard and are being so supportive of each other.   SATs week is usually enjoyed by the children once it arrives and we will make sure they know how proud we are of them.


The Summer fete is on Saturday 15th June 11-3pm on the field.  We are holding two mufti days to support.  We are fortunate to have such a strong FOFSA committee and I wish to thank them for all they do.  Please note the following key dates:


Friday 7th June - Mufti day, please donate smellies & chocolates

Monday 10th June - Bags 2 Schools - 8.30-9am pick up

Friday 14th June - Mufti day, please donate a bottle

Saturday 15th June 11-3pm - Please support our Summer fete.


I wish you a wonderful weekend in the sunshine.

With kind regards

Jacquie Vanstone




