13th December 2024
Good afternoon,
We have had a week full of Christmas! It has been wonderful to see the children performing and bringing so much joy to others. The Christmas play was a great success and I thank and congratulate all the children and staff for it. We are so proud of the children and I loved to see the smiling faces in the audience.
Along with this, the choir have sung at Friendly Finches and the choir and some of Chaffinch sang at Warren Lodge.
I am not sure how Mrs Gan does it all but she is still smiling and is moving onto the preparation for the next events already! Wasma letters went out to those interested today and need returning next week, Mrs Gan, you amaze me!
We have also enjoyed our Christmas lunch this week as well as KS1 supporting Finches Preschool as audience to their very lovely Christmas performance.
In the final week of term, we have our Carol Service on Tuesday afternoon and our End of term assembly and Barn Opening on Friday at 9am. I will email out a survey to know how many parents will be joining us. As there will be no PE on Tuesday or Friday, please can all children come to school in school uniform on both these days.
I finish with the sad news that Mrs Lawrence will be retiring at Easter. I have worked with Mrs Lawrence for a long time and she is going to be truly missed. We have an advert out for the role and I will keep you updated as we hopefully appoint. I am pleased we still have the term ahead with her.
I wish you a lovely weekend and thank you for your kindness and support as we reach the end of an exciting term.
With kind regards
Jacquie Vanstone